5 tips for hosting a stress-free family get-together

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5 tips for hosting a stress-free family get-together
Table setup, table scape

I absolutely love entertaining… (along with decorating my home!) So it should come as no surprise that I love to host an occasional family get – together! Today I want to share my tips for hosting a family get-together that is stress-free and enjoyable!

table scape, simple table setting

When my husband and I first got married – we often used to have friends and family over for a meal. We would spend hours prepping in the kitchen, planning the table scape and setting up… Admittedly this was partly because I am bit obsessed with table decor and enjoy it – and also partly because we were total novices! Being inexperienced – everything took that much longer to do! 😂

table setup, decor, simple decor for table

However, over the years as everybody’s lives have become busier you know how that happens, right? And as we have had children I find that get-togethers happen far less often! As a result I want to prioritise the things that I spend time on when preparing for a get-together. I certainly don’t want to be exhausted before the guests even arrive…! I would far rather host a simpler affair and be able to sit back and relax with the guests! It is more important to enjoy their company!

Family get-together, table setting
simple table setup, potted rose, bird decor, neutral tablescape

Top Tips tips for hosting a family get-together

So here are my 5 top tips for hosting an easy family (or friends!) get-together!

1.Use what you have!

Simple table decor with roses from the garden in individual vases

Don’t go out and buy extra table decor – simple is just as beautiful and often just as effective as fancy! They both have their place. I do love a fancy affair, don’t get me wrong, but for this occasion simple is beautiful too! I used a potted rose as my centrepiece. Next I added some sweet, simple bird decorations which I already had. Lastly I picked fresh roses from my garden to use in the individual vases for each place setting.

Tip: Always keep serviettes on hand for impromptu occasions – I always buy pretty serviettes when I see them! PS: Serviettes also make stunning hostess gifts!

2. Keep the menu simple!

Simple main meal for a family get-together

As nice as it is to try out new recipes – it certainly isn’t a priority to me for a family get-together! I try to find recipes that look (and taste!) amazing but that use ready prepared items as a base. This significantly lessens your prep time. I often find magazines are the best place to find these kind of recipes! 😉 For this dinner, I also didn’t serve starters – whatever works for you – you know your family best!

Semi-freddo dessert for a family get-together

3. Include a special treat…

Simple table decor for a stress-free family get-together

I always try to include one item to show my guests that they are special! This is my way of showing them that I have really looked forward to having them over and spending time with them. This time I served individual bottles of grape juice. Not only do these look gorgeous for a table setup, but they add to the overall feel of the occasion!

4. If there are children – get them involved!

Kids corner on the balcony for a family get-together

My 5-year-old son was so excited that we were eating dinner on the balcony, that he helped carry things to put on the table. He even created his own special corner for him and the other siblings! 😂 It’s so nice when they feel involved and included!

5. Create ambiance with lighting

Easy potted rose table centre piece with aromatic candle

Candles and or lights – these are magical! It’s so easy to set the scene when you have the help of a few candles, fairy lights or patio lights! Because who doesn’t like a few sparkly lights or candles? I even bought some sparklers for the children to enjoy as well! Magical! This is what memories are made of…

Balcony dinner

Hope you have a super, unforgettable get-together!

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5 Tips for hosting a stress-free family get-together