#Stayhome: 10 ways to add positive (and pretty!) vibes to your life during lockdown

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#Stayhome: 10 ways to add positive (and pretty!) vibes to your life during lockdown

I’m sure nobody could’ve predicted our current situation at the start of 2020… In this blog post I want to offer some simple ideas for how to add positive vibes to your life during lockdown…

#stayhomechallenge #lockdown

As an incurable lover of all things pretty – I’m certainly not giving up on the beauty of life just yet. Not now – or ever, for that matter.

So I put together this post to give you a few ideas of how to find pretty in your every day… #inthistogether

Just remember – deep breath…you’ve got this.

Please do not mistake this post as playing down the seriousness of the current global situation with this pandemic. I am very well aware that those of us at home in lockdown are lucky and in many ways very priveledged. My deepest sympathies go out to anyone who has lost a loved one during this time. I also would like to take a minute to thank any and all essential services staff for their dedication and willingness to rise and serve their communities. Also, I couldn’t write a post without mentioning medical staff all across the world – we truly owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your effort and sacrifice during this time.

1. Start your day with gratitude…

Start your day with a gratitude journal

Start a gratitude journal, bullet journal, gratitude jar…whatever works for you! Write down just one positive thing at the start of every day…

If you have a family, or are spending time at home with family members – why not have a gratitude jar? Each person gets to write down what they are grateful for, and read it aloud at dinner time. I love this, as it turns the dinner conversation into something uplifting too! This could also work for long distance… Just keep everyone’s notes and read them together when you can all get together again!

Listen to a (positive) podcast or read an inspiring book

Listen to a podcast or read a book

As a mommy of three kids – my time for reading books is limited. So I tend to rather listen to podcasts! With podcasts I can listen on the go, or while I am busy with other tasks.

However – there are sooo many great books out there! And sidenote: currently you will find Emily Ley’s When Less Becomes More on my bedside table…

When it comes to magazines these are a few that I love. I love Flow Magazine, Breathe and a good old Good Housekeeping for some quick reading and inspiration! My favourite sections are organisation, recipes, home decor and travel.

And as for podcasts… If I had to start listing all the great podcasts available – this post would end up far too long! So I’m just going to give you a few of my favs … But feel free to explore the (almost limitless) world of podcasts on your own.

  • The Life Coach School Podcast – Brooke Castillo
  • Young House Love Has a Podcast – John & Sherry Petersik
  • Asking for a Friend – Lauren Conrad
  • The Goal Digger Podcast – Jenna Kutcher (for business and entrepreneurs)

3. Flowers – faux or real – always flowers!

Flowers to add positive vibes during lockdown

Is there any day that feels quite as gloomy if it has flowers in it? I think not! (You can also check out this post I wrote about the secret meaning of flowers here…)

Fresh or faux…seeing these pretty spots in and around your home is bound to make you feel (even if just a little bit) happier…

And if you can’t bring them indoors – why not go and find them outside? I really think flowers can add a glimmer of hope and positive vibes during lockdown!

4. Build a puzzle, do a crossword, play sudoku…get back into a hobby!

It’s amazing how wonderfully mind-absorbing building a puzzle or doing a crossword or playing sudoko (or something similar like a hobby) can be!

I’m not for a minute suggesting we should try to “forget” about the current crisis happening in the world – but giving our brains a bit of a distraction can be good for the soul and our mental health.

5. Try cooking a new recipe

Try a new recipe to add positive vibes during lockdown

If you enjoy being in the kitchen – now is the perfect time to try out recipes! Other ideas include planning a themed dinner (for example Italian or Mexican). Or you could challenge yourself in other ways… One of my all time favourite ideas is to see what variety of foods you can eat in a week from different food groups. We did this in our family a while ago and it was great fun!

6. Get vitamin D – however you can

Fresh air and connecting with the earth is good for the soul! Whether you are allowed to go out and take long walks, or are like us in South Africa and limited to your own space – try to find ways to enjoy the sunshine wherever possible… This will help add positive vibes to your life during lockdown! (Bonus points for laughter…)

7. Find positive social media to follow

Follow positive social media

Ok, ok – so this one is a bit of a no-brainer. Limit bad news. Bad news isn’t going to help you – in fact, it’s more than likely going to bring up a whole lot of feelings such as anxiety and stress. In a time like this these thoughts do not serve you. I’m not for a minute saying one shouldn’t be informed – but limit the news you absorb to “need to know”, and after that, turn it off. I also love me some positive social media accounts – they can be a real treat to follow and offer some welcome positivity!

8. Drink tea – because tea is always a good idea!

Ok, I may be a bit biased on this one as I am an avid tea drinker (and lover!) 😊

But taking time out to enjoy a ritual is therapeutic!

Drink tea!

Here are a few you can try:

  • Green tea – great for detox, energy boost and promotes weight loss
  • Black tea – anti-inflammatory properties, regulates blood sugar levels and aids digestion
  • White tea – Antibacterial, lots of antioxidants and stimulates liver function
  • Rooibos – No caffeine, helps iron absorption and improved digestion
  • Camomile – Promotes healthy hair, alleviates cold symptoms and relieves stress

So go on…make yourself a cup! (Bonus points for using a pretty cup!)

9. Create a routine for your daily life

Create a routine for your daily life during lockdown

In times of great change and uncertainty in our lives – our brains crave the comfort of the familiar.

Having a daily routine while spending time at home can help create a sense of calm. It allows you the space you need to actually accomplish tasks.

Plan one thing you want to accomplish for each day – write it down and do it! If you find that you aren’t completing the set task each day because your brain is going crazy…find an accountability buddy!

Share the one thing you want to accomplish with a friend in the morning. Then follow up at a specified time that day to say whether you completed the task or not – this will help keep you accountable and motivated!

10. Choose joy

Choose joy

Now is the time to print out those positive affirmations and favourite quotes and place them all over your house… This could be by the kitchen coffee machine, bathroom mirror, bedside table – wherever you are most likely to see them!

Make a conscious effort to choose joy – because as Henry Nouwen said: “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

I hope that some of these simple tips will help you to add positive vibes to your life during lockdown and get through this challenging time.

These times are hard and unprecedented. I am thinking of you… If you need someone to chat to you can connect with me over on Instagram...


10 ways to add positive vibes to your life during lockdown