Well hello!!!! Happy 2019!

I hope you had a very happy New Year! And here’s to 2019 being everything you dreamed it would be and far more!

A bit about our holiday

I have had a very busy and lovely holiday season! All of my family were together for Christmas which was a treat as it doesn’t happen very often! The kiddies had a blast playing with each other and enjoying the beautiful warm weather! They spent time swimming, playing outside and went on a couple of outings… We spent a day spent at Gold Reef City (an amusement park) and went to Melville one evening to see the beautiful Christmas lights among other things! So we had lots of great food and company… I hope your holiday season was just as delightful! We also managed to squeeze in a few visits with friends. And we made a trip to the beach as well – where I am writing this post at the moment…!

Thinking about 2019

While thinking about 2019 and writing down what I would like to do and accomplish during this year (I’m old-fashioned that way!)- I thought it would be great to just get my motivation going by looking over some of my favourite quotes and sayings.

So I hope that these will inspire you in some small way as you start the new year. Not just to make new year’s resolutions, which are often started and then abandoned. But to make a commitment to really create a life you love, to embrace both the good and the bad, to challenge yourself to really be the good in the world. To make small daily changes, one step at a time (small steps still get you there!) and find the inner strength to be true to yourself. I also hope you find the determination to go after what you want and pursue your dreams in 2019!

Quotes to inspire you for 2019…

Quotes to inspire you for 2019

Here’s to a great year!

Do you have any special dreams or plans? I’d love to hear them!